Friday 2 September 2022

Mambalsa Daytime Dance Class with a difference

Mambalsa Daytime Dance Class with a difference!

Mambalsa Daytime Dance returns Sept '22 in a new format to support a wonderful charity, The Nightingale Cancer Support in Enfield.

I’ll be running a three week trial in-house at the Nightingale client’s who have been affected by cancer.

My aim is to use Mambalsa as a platform to collaborate with the group to hit the three Fs: Fun, Friendship and Feeling Fabulous! (isn't that four Fs?)

It’s not an aerobic class and certainly won’t be strictly anything. I’ve no idea whether we’ll end up with a Mambalsa dance demo team or having a jiggle-giggle around the handbags. Any outcome is Ok as Mambalsa is a direction of travel.

The impact of cancer restricts us mentally, affecting confidence and mood, as well as physically. I believe finding a playful space within our physical limitations, managing our expectations and loss, is the way to finding our future selves that don’t just survive but thrive.

This project fits in with Mambalsa's goal of taking dance out to people that wouldn't normally dance. That's 95% of the UK's population! It's not only good marketing, but with well-being at the heart of Mambalsa's ethos, everyone wins and the only losers are: Obesity, lonleyness, heart disease etc.

My starting point is disco and we’ll see where that takes us musically. I'm not sure how far it took us in the 1970s but there was some great tracks.

For me this project is directly related to my Daytime Dance project of 2019 where I wanted to reach out to people who wouldn’t normally access dance for well-being.

Unfortunately this class is not open to the public but if you have been affected by cancer and live in Enfield then the Nightingale offer a wide range of support services. link

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