Sunday 9 August 2015

Day One Lift off

I'm going to be fairly brief about this as I'm knackered.
A beautiful sunny Edinburgh Morning as I walked along the Royal Mile towards the Tron Kirk, the landmark church in the heart of the Royal Mile. I'd had a few mishaps with my tree detector, or is that shop sign detector and was running a couple of minutes late.
Strangely I wasn't nervous about the day. It will be what it will be and I'm reasonably satisfied with my preparation so let's do it.

10am Pop Up Silent Disco Mambalsa Flash Strut (Strut)
Four wonderful local Salseros turned out to give me the best start ever. They picked up Mambalsa in no time and then we had great fun dancing in the street. It's highly effective flyering as hundred saw the tree detector and some took pictures. I even had flyerers come and take flyer from me! Trust me that does not happen ever! An polite chat until the conversation turns to the content of the flyer then it's a polite exchange followed by a single flyer swapped with a promise to go and an understanding that that they probably wont is the norm.
11-12.15 street flyering
Last year I stood outside Gary Shaw's gig and swallowed down my nerves to overcome my hatred of flyering. Yesterday I got myself into the busiest spot and flyered my ass off. Calling 'Show about Partner dancing' 'Round Flyers or a show with less edgy material'. It's amazing how quickly 'Show about partner dancing' can sound like 'Standard, London Standard'.
12.15 - 1.15 MC Camden Comedy Free Lunchtime Show Case
Gig two of the day and I was having fun. Act had arrived and the venue was really well organized with the barman also being the tech.
I kicked off with my clip board intro dance to get the energy up and we were off.The acts were on fire and I was getting a warm fuzzy buzz from the audience. £35 in the bucket and ready for gig three.
1.30- 3pm street flyering
3-4pm Mambalsa- One Man's Quest to Create a New Partner Dance (Mambalsa Quest)
Twelve people £25 :-) Three of the Mambalsa Strutters came to see (No officially heroes)
The show went well. A little clunky towards the end mainly due to the background noise from the bar. I'll give myself a six out of ten and promise to do more previews next year.
The next two shows had a heap of noise due to three stag parties starting their crawl. Hopefully that's just Saturday.
12am Late with Kate at Cannons Gate
The spot went well with a new layout to the room. Got some good laughs and kept the energy going doing my 'I'm a dance teacher' and Royal Mile rant. Dished loads of flyers at the end. and spent more time waiting for a night but that it would take me to walk! Arrived back 2.15am
Wow what a ride!
 I must do it again some time!
Oh yes, it's 8.15 and I'm doing it again today (minus the late with Kate :-)

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